Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dinners & Gardens for SF - Oakland - Daly City

Update Night Tonight #129


Yeay yea!!! As we speak, we are on the move here in Oakland. We just finished cutting down some branches from the tree that was blocking the sun for the garden beds, which these branches will be used for a fire pit in a party we will have in a near future, very exciting! Our Oakland family has been planting and constantly working on the garden since we built it last february. A big shout out to all the Oakland family...

"The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.."
Joy J. Golliver

We are learning so much and we are moving forward. Baby steps become solid steps... I hope you can make it to our next dinners...


Oakland Garden
Saturday, April 13th - 3pm (Passed)
677 Syncamore St. Oakland, CA 94621

SF Garden
Saturday, April 20th - 3pm
1226 20th Ave. @ Lincoln SF, CA 94117

Daly City Garden
Friday, April 26th - 5pm
528 87th St. Daly City, CA

I have to say that it feels great to have our dinners. We enjoy working on our projects and spending some quality family time. This is what life is all about..  

Our recent Family - Community news.. 

- Radiation in Treasure Island .- Something we need to be aware of for our gardens and our health. Written and photos by Jesse, check it out.

- Audiopharmacy has been chosen for the American Music Abroad 2013-2014 by the officials of the American Voices and the US Dept. of State!! Yea!!  "Like" our community page if you haven't already!

- Juan Manuel posted a couple of the best educational and inspirational videos I've seen. It's all about sustainability and conscious actions. They are over an hour length, so plan ahead to enjoy with a dinner and invite some friends..


  1. awesome job collective wave! the work you are doing is going to bring abundance for the community. we appreciate you <3


  2. This the only way!!!! direct action for everything that we learn everyday- share it and stop consuming we can grow as one.
